
Day 5

Well, this is the drawing I did on day 5. But then I got sick, and kind of took a little hiatus. I tried really beating myself up about it, but I realized that I can still do the work even if it doesn't happen every day. I have been trying to do my morning pages most days, but even there I lost a little ground. It will be okay, though....I will just keep plugging along at my own pace!

Day 4

Today I basically did twice the work, because I skipped yesterday. The exercise was to list three old enemies of your creative worth, but because I am trying to experience this from all aspects I chose five people that have been the enemies of my self worth as a whole. The exercise for the following day was to write one horror story, but instead, I wrote a short synopsis for each of these five people, on how they caused me so much pain, and how they have been so destructive to my self worth and creative worth. It was interesting because I saw some things I did not realize, and some parallels between the people and their actions and mine. It was kind of exhausting. It was definitely worth it, though. I feel like maybe this really could help me feel better. The morning pages were super difficult this morning, but I used the block to write my affirmations. On the plus side, I have this very cute puppy to cuddle and love, and I couldn't help making this sketch of her.

Day 3

Well, I didn't do any of the book work for the Artist's Way yesterday, which would have been day 3, but I did do the morning pages and the sketch.

Day Two

Today I read through the first week's excercises in 'The Artist's Way' and made my list of blurts and affirmations. It was certainly a bit of uncomfortable work. I decided this will probably take me longer than the week specified, but I want to really work through it and take my time. I also realized that the concepts in this book are also probably very useful for those other blocks that keep me from advancing spiritually, physically, financially, and in relationships. I have added affirmations to my list that pertain to those other areas, because I think that could help me a lot. I was way less gung ho about the morning pages this morning, and much less angry than yesterday, but I still came away from them feeling like I need a long, quiet vacation with no children. I made an observation in there this morning that I have never dealt with a lot of sadness and anger from past experiences, and that boils over into shortness and impatience with my children and myself. Wow, I need to watch that so much closer. Also, when I was doing the affirmations and blurts, I saw in writing just how mean I am to myself....why do I do that? Good question. Maybe I will find out during this process, and stop it already.

My first day with 'The Artist's Way'

I love the concepts in this book. This is my very first sketch in my brand new little tiny sketchbook (tiny so I don't feel overwhelmed). I also wrote several paragraphs on my story, and even did the morning pages!! I felt so angry as I was writing them.....I don't know if it helped my attitude or not, but I hope so. Later tonight I hope to start the first week's excercises. I will let you know tomorrow how it went!